Energy healing techniques and energy healing training offer you the answers to these frequently asked questions
  • Energy healing is working directly with the field that surrounds the body. Gently placing the hands on various parts of the body and in different levels of the human energy field will help clear, charge and balance the system. Once there is a foundation, guidance will direct me to more advanced techniques. This opens a space for things to come forward and heal.


  • Energy healing will clear, charge and balance your energy field, bringing things to the surface that are ready to heal. Over time your system learns that there is a different, more authentic and peaceful way to move through life. When you begin moving in a more authentic way, the benefits are powerful. You’ll start to see improvements in health, relationships, work, love, creativity…


  • Distance energy healing is connecting to the human energy field to help heal someone when they are not in the room. The same techniques are used whether healing in-person or from a distance.


  • The human energy field or aura surrounds the body and is continually moving energy in and out of your system. Each level has a specific function in how you interact with life.


  • Chakra means disk or wheel. They are centers that move energy in and out of the human energy field from the universal energy field. There are seven main chakras in the human body.


  • The Hara is the level prior to the human energy field. It contains your Tan Tien, Soul Seat, Individuation Point and is connected to the molten core of the Earth and the God Head. Where things are about yes and no choices, without emotions. It’s effortless.


  • A healing spiral refers to spiritual growth that is a non-linear path. Things may continue to come up because you are just going deeper into the spiral of healing that part of yourself. It may seem repetitive, but each time you spiral, you open up to a new way of being.


  • The life pulse or wave consists of expansion, stasis, contraction, stasis, expansion, stasis, contraction… There are waves within waves. Expansion is when you are taking in new information and ways of being, moving forward. Stasis is the pause between contraction and expansion, taking care of yourself. Contraction is when you pause to consider all that you’ve learned and integrate new ways of being, relaxing. Each part of the life pulse/wave is necessary to assimilate information.


  • Mask: When you are hiding who you truly are. When you use it, your world consists of an idealized self image, blaming others and lack of connection.

    Lower Self: This is closer to the higher self than the mask but the intention is to separate, do anything you want, and to not feel pain. There is fear here and a need to protect the self.

    Higher Self: The true expression of your core essence. This is where you are connected to divinity and are loving and kind. You can come from this space more and more but you won’t stay there all the time. We are here to be human which means we need to learn and heal wounds.
